Pre Show Party METALLICA 2013 with Blackrock and AIFA
Pre Show Party METALLICA 2013 with Blackrock and AIFA
Brutal Records are proud to announce our new signing Válvera "Cycle of Disaster"
undergroundsyncJune 30, 2020#metaldirumah #valvera #brutalrecords #undergroundsync #dirumahaja #jajanrock #metalinfo #metalajadeh

Brutal Records are proud to announce our new signing
"Cycle of Disaster"
"Cycle of Disaster"
Preorder July 10th 2020
Release August 28th 2020
Release August 28th 2020
Válvera uses the "ambient" or "atmospheric" Thrash riff, a melodic phrase line concluding abruptly in a prolonged resolution to center each riff and create a mesmerizing effect on the listener.
Vocals are shouted with a centric approach of early evil thrash metal frosting on them as they urge transitions using thrash-style conveyances, shifting directly from a riff to a new thematic riff that becomes understandable as continuous only after its transfer via the context of vocal harmony.
Enjoying the abrupt, this band alternate between structures with no warning and in the style of the South American school, make sense of their riffs in context of song structure and in that mindset often dive or leap to a change unpredictably, with a fire of acquisition.
Rolling riffs of fast tunneled tremolo connect songs in a sequence of tone and rhythm, flowing into one another and rejoining on the snap command of circular song structure to begin again a cycle. With a real taste for a coherent but beautiful aesthetic, the music of Válvera moves fluidly, with disjointed song structures rectified by such distinctive riffs and bridges as to make this unconfusable with any other band.
Lyrics are mainly fantastic, focusing on the history of which addresses various catastrophes that happened in Brazil and its people. Deliberate songwriting with simple implements and intents clarifies into immersive and sensual sound.
Percussion is accurate and like all instrumentalism, of an intentionally minimalist framework to ensure complete execution.
Válvera "Glow of Death" lyric video is about a Cesium-137 radioactive contamination, the biggest civilian radiation accident in history, that took place in Goiânia (BRA), in 1987
Recorded at Dual Noise Studio 2020 | Engineered by Rogério Wecko | Mixed and Master by Rogério Wecko. Cover artwork by Marcelo Vasco | Photography Benassi Bass lines recorded by Ziel Lagoin
Glauber Barreto (vocal/guitarist)
Rodrigo Torres (guitarist)
Gabriel Prado (bass player)
Leandro Peixoto (drummer)
Glauber Barreto (vocal/guitarist)
Rodrigo Torres (guitarist)
Gabriel Prado (bass player)
Leandro Peixoto (drummer)
“Nothing Left To Burn,” kicks off proceedings, with a haunting bass line. Then when the guitars kick in you know something frenetic is about to happen, when the big riffs start, the answer is provided. A brilliant way to kick things off.
“Cycle Of Disaster,” another epic monster song that combines traditional thrash riffage with some superb melodies.
“Glow Of Death,” works into overtime the sense of chaos and destruction.
“The Damn Colony,” a song that veers one way and then another. One that produces something simply fantastical.
“All Systems Fall,” a brutal riff homage to the end of time.
“Born On A Dead Planet,” hits hard. A song that combines the chaos of the riff with the monstrous vocal abilities of Glauber Barreto to deliver a stand our performance.
“O.S. 1977,” a riff sandwich that really swings things hard.
“Fight For Your Life,” a song that merges melody and shred together in a fantastic delivery.
“Bringer Of Evil,” slams and finishes off in style.
1 - Nothing Left To Burn
2 - Cycle Of Disaster
3 - Glow Of Death
4 - The Damn Colony
5 - All Systems Fall
6 - Born On A Dead Planet
7 - O.S. 1977
8 - Fight For Your Life
9 - Bringer Of Evil
1 - Nothing Left To Burn
2 - Cycle Of Disaster
3 - Glow Of Death
4 - The Damn Colony
5 - All Systems Fall
6 - Born On A Dead Planet
7 - O.S. 1977
8 - Fight For Your Life
9 - Bringer Of Evil
instagram: @valveraband
twitter: valvera_oficial
instagram: @valveraband
twitter: valvera_oficial
Label Info:
USA & Canada
https://brutalrecords. bandcamp.com/
https://soundcloud.com/ brutalrecords
Brutal Records Youtube Channel
Brutal Records
Kedubes Records : New Release Polusi Suara by Sir Lommar John
undergroundsyncJune 30, 2020#sirlommarjohn #jajanrock #dirumahaja #undergroundsync #simakmusik #kedubesbekasi
Dijembatani oleh Frankie yang rilis di Januari lalu, Sir Lommar John kini mulai menunjukan jejak
migrasi dari E.P Kosmik menuju landasan album penuh yang diawali Polusi Suara. Bercerita tentang
pengamatan sumber suara di sekeliling, dalam sadar, tidak sadar, lamunan dan tidurnya. Suara-suara
yang tidak dapat dilarang masuk ke telinga. Semua yang diberi oleh-Nya dapat mendengar apa saja
dalam batas kemampuan dengar manusia.
Semua bisa didengar (padahal) tapi apakah kita mengamati semua? Keras, lemah, desis udara
hingga dialog konsumen kantin, gesekan kaca etalase koperasi sampai proses jual-beli di pasar. Semua
bisa disimak menjadi komposisi dalam batas waktu tertentu. Ada yang dirasa menjadi sumber energi ada
pula yang berpotensi menjadi sumber pengganggu bahkan perusak. Ini yang mesti kita hindari. Polusi.
Riuh yang dirangkum selama 3 menit 50 detik sudah dapat dirasakan sejak bagian pertama musik
diputar. Dengan menyisipkan hampir semua aspek dari pengamatan bebunyian seperti variasi birama,
kuat-lemah-cepat-lambat tempo, sumber bunyi dari segala arah, juga variasi bentuk dan tekstur lagu, Sir
Lommar John menunjukan kesatuan utuh yang bebas untuk diciptakan dan didengarkan.
Pemilihan sound dan permainan instrumen yang eksploratif, tuning selaras dengan alam A=432Hz,
jeda mendadak, hingga perubahan tempo di setiap reff-nya seakan menerjemakan tujuan dan pesannya.
Polusi Suara resmi sudah bisa didengarkan di platform digital. Selamat menikmati.
"Bunyi terbawa udara, tanpa izin masuk dalam rongga telinga.
Pilah-pilih mendengar kata, apalagi menyimak sumber suara sebagai “bunyi”, seperti desir angin di
padang tandus ataupun desis air conditioner yang tak jarang luput dari pengawasan kita sebagai manusia
yang serba penasaran, serba takut, serba berani, serba solusi tapi juga serba polusi."
Musik diproduseri oleh Sir Lommar John
Record, mixing & mastering oleh Nurfitrah Hidayat di Lokale Satin Studio
Vokal oleh Sir Lommar John
Keyboard oleh Nurfitrah Hidayat
Gitar oleh M Anugerah & Marshall Libert
Bass oleh Marhaen Williams
Drum oleh Hermandjaa
Artwork & stopmotion video lirik oleh Suringai
Photo oleh Suringai & M Rizky Kurnia
Didistribusikan oleh Kedubes Records
BRUTAL RECORDS Announces their latest signing Thrash Metallers SCARS
undergroundsyncJune 30, 2020#metaldirumah #scars #brutalrecords #undergroundsync #dirumahaja #jajanrock #metalinfo #metalajadeh

Announces their latest signing Thrash Metallers
Hailing from the city of Sāo Paulo / Brazil for the worldwide release of their new album entitled "Predatory" Worldwide on August 7th, 2020
The SCARS officially releases music video for “Predatory” single for the brilliant title of the album will be released as a video clip on May 28, 2020.
The video, recorded on March 15 at Estúdio Scalla, in Osasco / SP, under the direction of photography by Dani Matos and edited by Gabby Vessoni, shows the band performing the track viscerally and totally immersed in the strong lyrical context of "Predatory", placing the human being as a "single super predator" or "alpha predator" without thinking about how devastating this is for the world in which he lives. The sonority, on the other hand, presents the firepower of the work where the band rescues its main influences based on the traditional Thrash Metal of the Bay Area (San Francisco / CA), with striking and torn riffs, brutal vocals, technical and intrinsic solos added to a kitchen of too much weight.
Heavy beat blasts and chugging riffs emerge throughout this album contiguously with song development, with an impressive range of performance and energy thrust into the alternately pummeling and driftingly harmonizing music. Connected in construction and comfortable in aesthetic rendering of concept, in a sense endemic to various breeds of thrash metal, but here the band bypass temptations of mainstream social and monetary power for an essential view into growth in the thrash metal scene at the time. The listen experiences immersion in a rhythm as it cycles and mutates in an encircling, hypnotic paradox of its own genesis.
These Bloody Days
Ancient Power
Sad Darkness of the Soul
The Unsung Requiem (Instrumental)
Ghostly Shadows
The 72 Faces of God
Beyond the Valley of Despair
Violent Show
Armageddon (Bonus Track)
Silent Force (Bonus Track)
Band Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ scars.thrash/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ scars.thrash/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Youtube: https://cutt.ly/3yQJq6D
SCARS is formed by :
Régis F. (vocals)
Alex Zeraib (guitars)
Thiago Oliveira (Lead guitars)
Marcelo Mitché (bass)
Joāo Gobo (drums).
The band was founded in 1991 in Moóca, a traditional neighborhood in the city of Sāo Paulo, releasing their first work in 1994, "Ultimate Encore", the acclaimed "The Nether Hell" in 2004 and "Devilgod Alliance" in 2008. After a hiatus from 10 years ago, the band returned in 2018 with the two singles "Armageddon" and "Silent Force"
Label Info:
Europe & Worldwide / Pre-order
Brutal Records Youtube Channel
Brutal Records
BRUTAL RECORDS Announces their latest signing Death Metallers DARK RITES “The Dark Hymns”
undergroundsyncJune 30, 2020#metaldirumah #darkrites #brutalrecords #undergroundsync #dirumahaja #jajanrock #metalinfo #metalajadeh

Announces their latest signing Death Metallers
“The Dark Hymns”
Release September 11th, 2020
Preorder july 01, 2020
In The Dark Hymns., DARK RITES shape their music with the highest proficiency in unrelenting-intensity phrasal-riff death metal that vary its texture and pauses inertia long enough to ram a militant and uncompromising aesthetic down the throats of their listeners.
Rippling textures of chords thrust home like a battlefield execution form the raw skin from which this band twist phrases that contort, transform and rediscover their origins as they mutate over the course of a song. DARK RITES transforms a handful of notes into a spindly arcology of ideas which clarify in a resolving riff.
The gavel-beat of fuzzblasted vocals pulses alongside a loping bass and rigidly sliding speeding guitar tremolo, forming a seething mass of impenetrable diatribe which alights above the head of a listener like a killing mood. While this band is most impressive on this album, and when excellent bring out the ferocity of Death metal with an unrelenting barrage of old school death metal technique, this music even at its most inflected is nearly monochromatic in its continuous rage.
DARK RITES members:
Wojtek Widuch - Guitars, Bass
Randy Kaciak - Drums
Kole Cook "Blooded" - Vocals
Randy Kaciak - Drums
Kole Cook "Blooded" - Vocals
1.Divine Duplicity
2.Goliath, the coward
3.In Stasis
7.Shadow God
8.The Devils Heroes
9.The Great Halcyon War
1.Divine Duplicity
2.Goliath, the coward
3.In Stasis
7.Shadow God
8.The Devils Heroes
9.The Great Halcyon War
USA & Canada
https://brutalrecords. bandcamp.com/
https://soundcloud.com/ brutalrecords
https://www.facebook.com/ BrutalRecords.USA/
USA & Canada
Brutal Records Youtube Channel
Brutal Records